Park Abbey Heritage site

What do we do?

The Park Abbey Heritage Site organisation is responsible for opening up access to, restoring, repurposing and managing the historic abbey site. In doing so, care is taken to ensure that the values and authentic character of the abbey as a spiritual and serene place with special cultural-historical and natural assets on the outskirts of the city are preserved.

Who are we?

Curator, Stefan Van Lani –

Marketing and Communication Coordinator, Valérie Serneels –

Reception and HR Coordinator, Gerty Schols –

Programme and public activities coordinator, Koen Adams –

Logistics employee and concierge, Johan Abts –

Receptionist, Emma Albers –

Receptionist, Lisanne Valgaerts -

Receptionist, Penelope Peeters –

Administrative staff member, Karin Van Gompel –

Administrative staff member, Nina Verhoeven –

Business manager, Christel Kersemans –

Do you have a general question? Then send an email to:

How do we operate?

The heritage site Park Abbey (EAP) is a private company that has a strong connection within the municipal organisation. This is also evident from the composition of its governing bodies. The municipal executive of the City of Leuven, supplemented by a director from AG Stadsontwikkeling Leuven, serves as the management board which is ultimately responsible for the operations of the EAP. They are assisted in this role by the management committee, which oversees the day-to-day operations of the organisation.

Heritage site Park Abbey can count on the committed support of numerous partners, not least our site partners who, in the tradition of the past, are breathing new life into the abbey life of today. Furthermore, there are our structural partners, without whom the restoration and opening up of the site would not be possible.

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