What cookies do we use on abdijvanpark.be?

A cookie is a small text file that your browser saves when you surf on leuven.be. We use cookies to analyse and improve our website, and to ensure that it works properly.            

Necessary cookies

These cookies are required in order to enable our website to function properly.

Naam cookieDoelWanneerDuur
cookie_agreedRemembers that you have accepted cookiesWhen you accept cookies100 days
Pingdom (tracker)Alert us when leuven.be is unreachable by visitorsAlways

Analytische cookies

Google Tag Manager

We use Google Tag Manager to insert third-party cookies (e.g., Google Analytics).

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to monitor how you use our website. We collect the following information, among other things:

  • IP address (this is partially anonymised)
  • Which pages you visit and in what sequence
  • The browser that you use (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.)
  • Whether you surf on our website with a laptop or smartphone
  • How long your visit lasts and how long you stay on pages

Park Abbey has a processing agreement with Google. Your personal data are not visible and will not be shared with other parties.

Naam cookieDoelWanneerDuur
_gaIdentifies you as a unique user in Google AnalyticsAlwaysMax. 2 years
_gidRemembers which pages you visitedAlwaysSession
_gatLimits the data collection when there are many visitors at the same time10 minutes
_gat_ClientIDCounts the number of visits and indicates which website you came from14 months
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